Wedding Countdown Ticker

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

289 Days to Go: So much to report.

I don't know where to start. I must compile pictures.

By this weekend, I will. Swear.

Monday, November 30, 2009

361 Days To Go: At David's request...

I have (temporarily) removed my last two posts. His brother is well, but his mother continues to decline, or stagnate.

Anyway, it's just a really sensitive time, and subject, and he really didn't want me to broadcast the nitty-gritty to the rest of the world.


In other news, still searching for a venue and photographer.


Why yes, I am excited, why do you ask?

Monday, November 16, 2009

375 Days to Go: More Nightmares

Have I talked about my overwhelming nightmares yet?



Well, last night was a doozey. First, David and I "crashed" some trashy arts and crafts extravaganza complete with runway stage and super sized all-my-homies wedding party. I mean like twenty-seven-ish people in badly tempra painted denim and white tee shirt combos. And David... David, who is NEVER less than reserved and observant, was a hard partying, loud, obnoxious ass. Oh, did I mention he spent like forty-five dream minutes haggling with the photographer to get a better price... while the photographer is photographing this hellacious shindig. What?

And then we are magically transported in the way only dreams - nightmares - can to a florist, who designed seven superbly hideous boutonniere monstrosities that cost me $600 in dream money, three hundred now and three hundred "later." The worst part... I liked them, in my nightmare.

And then... THEN... I wake up, log onto The Knot and realize very bluntly that I have exactly ONE YEAR AND TEN FREAKING DAYS TO FINISH PLANNING

And do you know what I've accomplished to this point? My dress... I've purchased my dress, a dress I'm fifty pounds to big to fit into. So really... I've accomplished nothing.

That court house is looking better and better.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

397 Days to Go: Well, no wonder I couldn't find it.

I've spent the last few days scouring the intrawebs for bubble glass. I love the way it looks, rustic but careful.

And I couldn't find a damn thing. Okay, that's a lie. I found lots of ugly candy dishes that in no way resembled my beloved bubble glass. You know, the glass with bubbles in it. Bubble glass.

Buuuuuuuuuut... this:

I learned after a phone call to my mother and an informational trip to The Home Depot, is seeded glass. Because the bubbles look like seeds... or something.

So, for future reference: bubble glass = ugly candy dishes and seeded glass=ooo purty.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

400 Days to go: Four hundred days!!!!

In FOUR HUNDRED DAYS I will be Mrs. David Serrette. I will be MARRIED... The day I NEVER though would come is only four hundred days way... I'm excited.

And I have SO MUCH SHIT TO DO!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

411 Days to Go: I just can't help myself.

I can't get enough of this.

You know you can't either. That's why the damn thing has eight billion hits.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

415 Days to Go: Did I just find my palette?

I think I did. I really think I did.

Chocolate, Apple, Cranberry, Baked Pumpkin, and Mustard.
(oooo Lawd! I think this diet is going to my head!)

It's so me. It's so perfect. It's so fall. It's so amazing.

I love it.

Don't you?

(idea courtesy of whoever runs the show at The Perfect Palette. Thank you, you're a genius.)